Contains the factor of the unit factor, i.e. 1E6 for "mega", 1E9 for "giga", etc.
UnitFactor extends Collection
Symbol | Prefix | Factor |
Y | yotta | 1e+24 |
Z | zetta | 1e+21 |
E | exa | 1000000000000000000 |
P | peta | 1000000000000000 |
T | tera | 1000000000000 |
G | giga | 1000000000 |
M | mega | 1000000 |
my | myria | 10000 |
k | kilo | 1000 |
h | hecto | 100 |
da | deca | 10 |
d | deci | 0.1 |
c | centi | 0.01 |
m | milli | 0.001 |
u | micro | 0.000001 |
n | nano | 1e-9 |
p | pico | 1e-12 |
f | femto | 1e-15 |
a | atto | 1e-18 |
z | zepto | 1e-21 |
y | yocto | 1e-24 |
Ki | kibi | 1024 |
Mi | mebi | 1048576 |
Gi | gibi | 1073741824 |
Ti | tebi | 1099511627776 |
Pi | pebi | 1125899906842624 |
Ei | exbi | 1152921504606847000 |
Zi | zebi | 1.1805916207174113e+21 |
Yi | yobi | 1.2089258196146292e+24 |
Contains the prefix of the unit factor, i.e. "mega", "giga", etc.
Contains the symbol of the unit factor, i.e. "M" for mega, "G" for giga, etc.